Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's in Your Junk Pile?

Okay...2013 rolls in and it's time to get organized.  So everybody keeps telling me.  I mentally want
NEED to organize my house, business, life.  Somehow this desire gets lost in the translation.

I pick a day and a spot....again, in my mind.  Instead I always seem to cruise thru Target, Ikea and online looking for the perfect organization tools.  I know that if I just buy the right box, label or divider that I will miraculously turn into an organization diva.  Ughhhhhhhh....I so wanna do this, I say to myself. 

                                                            tater tots and jello

I have spent hours and hours purging, sorting and organizing any number of spaces in my house and office/cottage.  I work feverishly until I feel I have accomplished the task.  New bins/boxes...check, donate, keep, trash piles.....check, sorted and labels said bins/boxes....check.  Here's where the problem actually starts............How in the HECK do I keep everything looking organized????

I actually got this vintage sign from a friend of mine.  I L-O-V-E my family.  But....they are piggies.  It stays where it is dropped...FOREVER....unless Mom puts it away.  In the beginning of my marriage/family I ran a tidy ship.  I worked like crazy to keep up with everything. Babies came along and I struggled. I started my own business and it all fell apart.  I could no longer keep up!! 


I used to get frustrated and a little peeved....(I promise, no "whacking").  Then, someone gave me something to thing about...."dust bunnies don't bite."  My kids won't remember the disorganization when they grow up, (if they do then as I say... "put it on your therapy tab"). My hope is they will remember a loving, faith-filled, hard-workin' mama.  Sooooooooo... if you can't beat 'um,
join 'um.  (Insert OINK, OINK right here!)

I'd love to hear your thoughts.......

Have a good one,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

VRS Calendar Winner and a crazy trip to Atlanta!

Woot Woot!!!!  Congratulations to Michele from Sew Sweet Vintage!!!  She won the amazing wall calendar from Vintage Rescue Squad and my good friend Sue.  When you are cruising through etsy, be sure and check out her shop.  The pictures are just ahhhh-mazing!

Packing up today and heading down to Atlanta for the annual Gift & Home shop.  Although I try to solely stock my shops with vintage items, it's nice to have a few items that are "shop ready".  No tromping through muddy fields at dawn, schlepping, cleaning, painting, waxing, pricing....yada yada yada.  I make sure I have no more than 20% new items vs. 80% vintage.  Making sure to look for items that inspire me and really have a "vintage" feel.

Really......not user friendly or "vintage-y"!!  I go for 2 days and hit the ground running.  Three building with about 23 floors each.  Each manufacturer has a showroom that displays the year's products.

This is more like it!!!  It's great to be able to see, touch and examine the items that I am interested it.  I always want to make sure that quality doesn't suffer if it's a new item.  Also, I buy made in USA whenever possible! Even if it's a little more $$$ it's so important to me to support artists at home.

Well.....that suitcase won't pack itself, so gotta go.  Look for pics. of my crazy wild trip to Atlanta, GA.

Have a good one,