Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bring up the "House Lights", BABY!!

This fall has proved to be pretty busy for me.  It seems as if the Chartreuse Tag Sales are right on top of each other!

I decided to take a little lot of time a snap some pics of my latest custom lighting projects.  A lot because I have still yet to figure out my Nikon D70, although I have purchased 3 books and 2 online classes.  No one told me I actually had to read the books and watch the videos.  I simply thought the knowledge was gained through osmosis.  (just joshin')  It's TIME I need, not more tutorials.  Sooooo, play I did!  Changed the ISO and fiddled with all sorts of settings. Weeellllll,  let's suffice it to say that my new best friend is Pic Monkey photo editing.  Well worth the investment!!!

I dragged 3 ginormous stumps from the wood pile and found my spot.  Rustled the leaves and got them situated "just right" and away we go!  All I needed was a French beret and I was really feeling quite the artist.  Don't know if I looked the part....  Having lost about 10lbs. recently, some of my jeans are starting to sag a bit.  During the "shoot" (term used loosely) I started to feel a draft  and realized that my "crack" was making an appearance!  Great!! A the cars (ok only 4) that drove by got an eye full!  Oh well, they say art hurts!

Now that I have embarrassed myself as usual, I leave you with the results of my efforts.

 1930s Heater Retrofitted into a Fan
Fan still works!
Vintage Inspired Wall Sconces

Electric Fence Transformer! The color....OMG
Vintage Check Imprinter....remember
the days before computers?

Be COOL with Vintage Heater
Table Lamps

 Vintage Radio...knobs still functional

 Magic Lantern....early projector
 Carnival Nickel Nudger.. dispensed coins
 for games and rides

Vintage Projector....
Still Works!

Vintage Hotel Servers....
from steaming hot food to
"Hot" Wall Sconces.
My poor electrician Don merely smiles when I walk into his shop with a new lighting project.  There's nothing I won't try to make a lamp out of.
Have a good one,