Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Killer Giveaway from VRS for 2013

It's just about time to don your hat and toot your party horns....ok, I don't do party hats.  But as those who know me can attest, I often toot my own horn.  The holidays will soon be a blur and it's time to get down to business.  What business you say????  Let's all get our proverbial "crap" together.
I am one of those crazy people who like to make resolutions. Crazier still, I keep track of them throughout the year and at year's end, see how I did. They are not crazy ones like meet Prince Charming  (check, got em), lose 4012 lbs. ( not gonna happen).  They are more like business goals, places to shop for work, and self improvement goals....(everybody needs a little improvin).

Last year I bought an amazing calendar from a friend of mine, Sue from Vintage Rescue Squad. I have to say the photography is awesome.  Such fantastic vignettes to get the junk juices flowing.  As you know, I make my living re-inventing vintage furniture and accessories.  It's tough to plan all the necessary flea market shopping around my busy family.  Sue's calendar, Dreaming of Junking makes it so easy!!!  Each month has a ton of vintage shopping events located throughout the country.  I've even planned family vacays around an even, bahahahat...really!!  (Like my family doesn't know...he he he)
Being the super cool chick that she is, Sue has offered a 2013 Dreaming of Junking Wall Calendar to me to giveaway to help you get ready to shop your way through next year. If you want one now, just scoot over to her etsy site and grab one for $20.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy New Year!!
Have a good one,

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Remember to look for the LIGHT....

My three children are the light of my life.  It doesn't matter that they are 25, 16 and 12...they will always be my babies.  I carried them, nuzzled them, nursed them, loved them from the first moment I laid eyes on them.  As they grow older they don't physically need me as they did when they were little ones, but they still need me.  Now I laugh with them, talk with them, cry with them, and worry about them. In light of Friday's tragedy in Newtown, CT I've been thinking alot about my children and wondering how I would ever get through such an event.

This is the light that we wait for as mother's every year of our children's lives...birthday candles.  They burn bright and mark one more year of amazing memories that we have had with our kids. The candles also allow us to dream and look forward to the future that "baby" will have.  I have noticed that as my kids get older, I'm a little sad at birthday time.  I love the wonderful people that they are growing up to be, but my heart yearns to hold them in my arms and sing a lullaby to them.  Tonight, there are mommas in CT that will never see the light of another birthday candle.  It's hard to contain the sorrow I have for them.
These are the candles that every mother dreads.  A candle to represent the loss of a life.  No more laughter, dreams and hopes.  Replacing them is a grief so heavy and strong that going on seems nearly impossible.  Every breathe and footstep forward in labored and  yet go on you must.  I can't imagine the pain and agony being felt by mommas throughout Newtown, CT tonight.
This is the end of a light....something that should never happen to your children.  My family suffered a tragedy years ago and we buried my 17 yr old nephew.  My heart still grieves for his momma.  And now it grieves again for the momma in Newtown CT. 
And yet, now many years after my nephew's death, a new light burns bright.  Finally, after time, we think of him with smiles and laughter.  Remembering the joy and comedy he brought into our lives.  He is a light that will never be forgotten.  A momma will never forget the loss, but I do believe God lessens the burden and allows for healing.  And when the sorrow gets too heavy it's time to remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.....
Those amazing, darling, funny, smiling children will be waiting in heaven for their mommas with arms open wide.  This is the promise of faith in Christ.  So let's hold on to the light we have in our lives and know that He is always with us and His Light will shine FOREVER.
Have a good one,