Confession time:
Well, first I gotta be honest........The Pinterest experiment is a bust! Really a pin for a year??? What was I thinking? Did I really put that on my "to do" list? I'm gonna shoot for doing one "pin project" a week. Let's face it....52 projects, so do-able....365???!!!!
As I said in my last post, I've got a couple trips this month. The first trip is to Atlanta, GA to the Home & Gift Show. Imagine 3 massive 26 floor buildings with thousands of vendor all vying for your attention and $$$$. Quite an adventure to pack into less than 48 hours. But hey, I'm up to the task! (Small complications...) First, the broken toe. Think 28,000 steps in 2 days. Second, sharing a bed with friend.
The rooms were so booked up that only one bed in all of Atlanta was available. Hey, I didn't make the reservations, just sayin'. Hoping it's not a double....
1. What are the trends? This is a great way to figure out what's going to be out there in the department stores. And more importantly, what's NOT!!! Even though I primarily sell vintage items, as a retail store I realize that I still need to stay up to date with design trends and colors to stay fresh and exciting for my customers.
2. My way of shopping "wholesale". Let's face it, I can't make, buy, clean, build, fix all the vintage products I need for my shop. Enter my two favorite categories at market Made in America and Handmade Designs & Handmade Jewelry.
I do my best to support American companies and artist/designer made products. Market is a great way to see a very large selection of products that fit this category. My now crazy popular vintage book letters were found last year in Atlanta.
4. It's a trip, duh!!! Who doesn't wanna have a quick get away! As much as I love hubby and the birdies, it's nice to focus solely on my business and not have to play the balancing act of wife/mother/business owner.
I'll looking forward to posting pics of my adventures!
Have a good one,