Friday, June 6, 2014

What do You take to the BEACH?

Well, here at the NEST, our motto is #workhard,playhard.  After having 4 events in 4 weeks, Grant Ave. Market, Lucketts Spring Market, Chartreuse&co May Tag Sale, and Josie's on Main Vintage Jubilee, hubby and the birdies are ready for a serious rest.  Quick frankly, so am I!! In addition to all the work events we've had 2 major birthdays, a graduation and you guessed it....a stomach bug.  Birdie #3 is groaning on the sofa as I type.  But come hell  h**l  or high water I AM going to the BEACH on Saturday morning. I don't care if I have to strap a bucket to someone's head....I need to get away for a couple of weeks!  I'm sure there are many of you out there that know what I'm talking about.

We are heading to the best beach on Earth (my opinion, only, so I'm allowed to say it, no hate mail..hehehe)
Pawleys Island, SC.  I have been going every year for the last 35 years.  It's a family reunion of sorts...90 - 125 family members.  All in ONE house....psych!  Usually, 7-10 houses.  We do have a few group meals, though.  Our contribution is breakfast for the whole crew!  Which brings us the subject of this post.  What do you take to the beach?


Here's some of the items on our packing list:

2--Portable Electric Griddles
1--Electric Skillet
1--10 lb. Gluten Free flour (for the Gluten Free contingent)
1-Charcoal Grill w/ Smoker (**hubby list)
1-16 oz. Vanilla extract
4--Cans Baking Powder
20 lbs--Natural Organic Sausage
10--Beach Towels
10--Home Decor magazines

You get the idea!  It's not the typical packing list for sure! When you are cooking breakfast for that many people you have to bring most of the equipment/ingredients with you.  Imagine making 6 breakfast casseroles in huge foil pans (having to drop off 4 of them to 4 houses since you can't bake them in your own oven), cooking 35 pounds of bacon/sausage in an electric skillet/stove top method, and making about 175+ pancakes.  What a feat!  We've been doing it for almost 20 years!!!  It started out with about 30 pancakes, 2 quiches, and a coffee cake with 15 people.  Oh how times have changed!  We use disposable everything, (I know, I know), and have done the unthinkable!  Last year we brought all the meat and had a local diner cook it for us!  It's better than staying up until 1am the night before cooking bacon, the whole house reeking of meat, dogs howling because of the smell, and having to shower just to get the stink off!

Is all this work worth it??? ABSOLUTELY!!  It's so nice to be able to spend time with family over a yummy meal!  To see the delight on their faces with they indulge in all your fattening delights.  Remember this cardiac arrest meal is only once a year.  So cheers to the chicken, pig and cow!  We will be partaking of your bounty soon.

So my question to you.....what do you take along on your vacation??

Have a good one,

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Help...I Need Your Opinion!

Good morning Nesters!  In the beginning of the year I shared that there were a number of goals I set for The Robin's Nest this year.  (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)  Well the Pinterest project everyday was quickly a bust.  WHAT was I thinking????  It lasted 4 days.....hehehehe. (I'm hoping to get a ribbon for participation...still waiting!)  I've added new sales venues..Grant Avenue Market and Lucketts Spring Market
Lucketts Spring Market from The Robin's Nest
The big goal looming out in the distance... Find a brick and mortar location to house my interior design office, website stock/shipping, retail shop and vintage venue rental location is knocking at my door. 

Here's where I need your help! I'd love to know your thoughts on this amazing historic building that I've looked at.  Let's just say....if a building were a man, we would have eloped already!!  It's being renovated as we speak, so bear that in mind as you check out these photos.

The exposed brick walls will stay, as well as the timber walls!  Couldn't you imagine a fabulous cocktail party or rehearsal dinner in these rooms???  Truly, this seems to be a dream come true.  I couldn't imagine a space more perfect for my needs.

Now, I'm asking you what you think???  Would you take the plunge?

Have a good one,

Friday, May 23, 2014

My trip to the post office, Nest-style!

As you know, almost 4 years ago, I decided to un-plug.  In other words, leave the over-populated Northern Virginia burbs,drag my family to rural MD and  buy a 130 farmhouse to renovate. My dream life for sure!!  The birdies and hubby love me enough to go along for the crazy ride that is our life!!

Yesterday, after a business meeting at the local eatery, Kristi's Bakery & Cafe I had to head over to the good ol post office to drop off some web orders.  Now I know, no biggie, right?  Everybody has to go to the post office.  However, I believe my ride is just a little bit more enjoyable than yours.  Usually, I buzz through my errands not stopping to enjoy the scenery.  Driving, I saw the prettiest sights and decided I'd share my drive with you guys.
The Historic Antietam Creek is seconds from my House

Having a little fun

Gotta say, I love my LIFE!!  Such a wonderful place to live. Cheers to Boonsboro, MD!

Have a good one,

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What's this Lucketts Spring Market thing all about?

I've bee a busy little bee so far this year!!  Two trip to Texas, regular sales at Chartreuse & co, and 2 outdoor markets so far. (Grant Avenue Market and Lucketts Spring Market) My bones are weary, my family is pooped, heck, even my doggie, Trooper is feelin' it.  It's a lot of work to recreate your "look" for an outdoor event.  Thanks heavens I have the support and "free labor" of hubby and the birdies at the Nest.  Although, this crew sure can eat, so I don't know if it's exactly free!!! The biggest event that I had was Lucketts Spring Market.  It's the most widely talked about, so I that I'd focus today's post on it.

The Old Lucketts Store is a vintage store located in Leesburg, VA, open all year long.  Once a year they put on a huge Vintage Market.  Loads of fun, treasure, mud, rain, traffic, crowds, food, did I!  I set up my tent and brought my treasures (mostly from my Texas road trips).  The best way to describe it is vintage madness.  Here are the sights I saw during the weekend....
my space

 My friend JC...source: 

my space

 source: space

my space

my space

my space  source:

 my space source:

 my space

My friend, Sue from Vintage Rescue Squad

my space...vintage Leggs Eggs Pantyhose display rack

 my space
my space

My bestie, Yvette from FOUNDRY on crowd control

Hope you enjoyed the tour!  Next up at the Nest...Josies' on Main Vintage Jubliee on May 31 & June 1, 9am to 5pm, both days, 201 N. Main Street, Boonsboro, MD.  Home of author, Nora Roberts!  Drop by her bookstore Turn the Page for a fun memory!

Have a good one,

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Here we go AGAIN!!! It's Road Trip Time at the NEST! Should I be Scared???

Well, it's been a few months since my last road trip, see part 1, pt 2, pt 3, and pt 4 to catch up.  As usual, I'm getting the itch to hit the road again. Let's face it, it's the BEST part of this crazy vintage business.  It you buy/sell vintage you know what I'm talking about!  Vintage shopping is my drug of choice. The thrill of the bargaining, finding the unusual, figuring out what to do with the crazy treasures that I find....I just can't get enough.  Not to mention the amazing people you meet along the way.  My crazy antics and shenanigans keep me entertained as well.  I live, breathe and sleep VINTAGE!!

I'm heading back to Texas!!  I had such an amazing treasure hunt back in February that I'm hittin' the road AGAIN! Gal pal had planned on making the journey with me...but, unfortunately that's not gonna happen. SOOOooooooo....long story short, I'm going myself.  This seems to have caused quite a stir with most of my friends.
Friend 1: "I can't believe you're going by yourself"
Friend 2: "You are sooo brave"
Friend 3: "I could never do that"
Friend 4: "I'm so scared for you, I'll pray for you"

 Maybe it's me....maybe I'm just too crazy to be scared. But to tell the truth, fear has never really entered into a decision to hit the road, either with friends or by myself.  I'm concerned about where the best vintage treasures are, lodging, finding gluten free food (I pack one suitcase filled with my goodies so I won't starve!!!) and will my $$$ run out before I get home. I am a ROAD WARRIOR!!  I love to travel and hunt for vintage gold along the way.  The lure of the road is not something I can resist.  I must have hundreds of places to shop before I die....gotta check 'em off.

Experience has taught me to just go with it.  If I stop and think about all the bad things that could possibly happen to me, then I don't think I would go anywhere!  It could be that this lack of trepidation could be partly to blame for all the highjinx I get myself into.  I mean really, (insert Robin's motto here...) "I'm an intelligent woman, how hard can it be?" So with a start in Texas, thru the great town of Nashville, I will drive 1600+ miles, aka 23 hrs. back home.  I've got a disco playlist in the making.  My goal is to learn "Rapper's Delight" by heart.  (My challenge from Gal Pal)

So my bags are almost packed, got hubby going to the bank to get my stash of cash and I'm finishing up my play lists.  Now the BIG question??? How on earth am I gonna wake up hubby at 3:30am to take me to the airport.  This early bird ALWAYS gets the worm!!!!

I'd love to hear what you think about my travels!!  If you have a great road trip story....please share!!!

Have a good one,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

If Spring Won't Come to You....Make Paper Flowers!!!

I'm trying so hard to be grateful for the wonderful life I have here at the Nest.  Fantastic husband, great kids, a job that I love, health, blah, blah, blah blah.......I'm normally a pretty perky, quirky, kooky gal.  These days however I'm just ticked (bleep, bleep) off! Let's all say it together.......
I am SOOOOOOO sick of snow!!

So today I spent some time on the great magnificent time-waster....(I love it!) Pinterest!  I searched for hours and had a blast.  My search topic? Paper flowers!!!  I've decided if Mother Nature won't cooperate, then I'm just going to make my own.  I found so many different ideas and tutorials that I thought I had to share. What a great inexpensive way to bring some Spring color into your life.  Here are my faves.......

Book or Map Page flowers

Crepe Paper Peonies

Crepe Paper Popies

Fun Crepe Paper/Book Page bloom

Paper Rose Intial
source unknown

Tissue Paper Mobile

Paper Flower Embellished Light

Potted Paper Succulent

I truly think the last one, the potted paper succulent is my favorite.  Truly unexpected!!! I just love it!  And, most importantly, you can't kill it!!  I'm hoping to make this one....let's be real pin boards on Pinterest seem to fall into the nooks and crannies of my mind.  But for right now....I'm all in!!

I'd love to know which project is your favorite!! Or better you get through this crazy weather.

Have a good one,